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Writer's pictureSubharko Roy

Pre-wedding Self-care Tips For Bengali Groom

Men rarely think about grooming and self-care, even when their wedding is nearby. On the other hand, brides take the utmost care to make sure that they look the best on this very special day of their life.

We wrote this article keeping in mind that the Bengali grooms who would be reading this article will be starting their self-care journey from scratch. Follow our advice diligently and you are bound to see positive outcomes.

Get a haircut

Visit a salon and speak to the professionals present there about what kind of hairstyle would suit you. They would also be able to tell you whether your hair needs any extra nourishment or treatment. If you feel it is necessary, then speak to your would-be spouse beforehand so that you two can decide on what hairstyle will suit you the best.

Keep beard or go clean-shaven?

Trim your beard and shape it or go full clean-shaven. You have to decide which look you would prefer for your wedding and which will also match your wedding attire. Do not change looks just a few days before your wedding, plan it out from early on.

Manicure & Pedicure sessions

Very few Bengali men actually take care of the nails on their hands and feet. But before the wedding, they should get their nails cleaned. Get a few manicure and pedicure sessions in the few months leading up to the wedding.

Scrubs for face & body

Use scrubs for your face and body. Various beauty brands sell various kinds of scrubs. The scrubs used on the face and body are different. Choose between a normal loofah or a silicone loofah, whichever suits you better. Scrubs help to remove dead skin cells and make your skin glow even more.

DIY remedies

If you do not want to spend a lot of money on buying skin-care products, then try to make some on your own at home. A lot of hair and body masks and scrubs can be made very easily at home using ingredients that are readily available. Use everyday household items like besan, curd, turmeric, honey, etc. to make various kinds of products.

Follow a CRM routine

A regular Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine is essential. It will help you remove the dirt, grime and dead skin cells that have accumulated. It also moiturises your skin and keeps it hydrated. Choose the products depending on whether you have oily skin or dry skin. When going out, apply sunscreen on your face to minimize the damage caused by the harmful rays of the sun.

Oral Hygiene is also important

Oral hygiene and dental hygiene are very important, not just for your wedding, but for life in general. Brush your teeth properly, twice a day, once after waking up in the morning and once before going to bed at night. Use good toothpaste so as to avoid any dental problems.

Follow a healthy diet

And at last but not least, maintain a regular healthy diet.

As some of these self-care tips need professional help, take out some time and consult one so that you do not end up with unwanted results. The most important point that you need to remember is to start around 6 months in advance prior to your wedding to get the desired outcomes.

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